Thursday, September 22, 2011

How can i make him understand the dangers of being a smokers?

My finance is a chain smokers and does not seem to realise the dangers in smoking,i tried to make him understand,he promised to stop but he till didnt change,rather he will stop for some time and later go back to it;He is really pissing me up with this habits of his,i dont really know how to make him despite smokind,your answers is deperately neededHow can i make him understand the dangers of being a smokers?
well bottom line it is his choice! and all the talking in the world will not change the mind of a smoker!

I know smoking is bad I don't think it is as bad as other people say. but it's not good for your body that's for sure!

i quit because i wanted to and still smoke a few here and there!

if you have never smoked it's a hard habit to break!

my aunt who gave up smoking over 20 years ago still has the desire to smoke here and there she dont' but the cravings never stop!

Have you tried doing something with him!

ask him to find a bad habit of your's that he wishes you to stop and both you start changing that habit!

Let say your over weight so he stops smoking and you start to work out and eat right@

something you both can do!

also try to ask him not to stop but to be aware.. say i know you want to quit on your terms but will you could you do me a favor and lessen your smoking just cut back a bit. or give yourself a limit per day or at least wait 30 minutes before smoking another smoke!

if this really bugs you with him smoking something to think about for yourself is canyou live with that if he stays smoking not sure when your going to marry but if youc an't live with that then it may be wise not to marry! and you find someone you can live with their bad haibts! this habit does effect you slightly! when your in closed area's

oh maybe just say no smoking in the house! or no smoking in the car! but smoke as much as you want! that helped me cut back!!!How can i make him understand the dangers of being a smokers?
Find out where your nearest cancer ward is and make him go and visit a patient or two. He'll soon give up. Don't give up nagging him to stop.How can i make him understand the dangers of being a smokers?
you can only control yourself. Learn how to get rid of one of your harmful or annoying habits %26amp; you will understand why is doing what he is doing %26amp; also learn about how to heal addiction. Actually, co-dependency is an addiction it is when you depend on someone else to be happy, calm, peaceful, etc. When you heal yourself others around you heal.How can i make him understand the dangers of being a smokers?
Let him find out for himself then he will be sorry or just break up with himHow can i make him understand the dangers of being a smokers?
Sadly they will never learn. My husband's aunt was the same way. The doctor told her if she doesn't stop smoking she can find herself attached to an oxygen tank for the rest of her life.. She had a tumor in her brain, and the doctor said her lungs looked worse than her brain. But she can care less about herself. Do you know what she said about her own wake? %26quot;When I die just throw some ciggaretes in my coffin, because where I am going, I won't need any matches%26quot;. Very mature. She can cough her brains out, and wheeze till no tommorow and she still won't quit. She smokes 3 packs a day

Other smokers in the family even were willing to give up smoking for her, and do it WITH Her. But she refused. Oh, well. to each their own. If he is as stubborn as that, you won't be able to change him.How can i make him understand the dangers of being a smokers?
get him stories of people who have suffered from cancer like they had to cut off there legs or hands,or go for ever in rehabilitation center.but in a lovely way while both of you are relaxing soothing him how the lady involved missed the man.

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